
Family Strobl and the Hotel Hubertus...

Information Owner:
Hotel Hubertus & Hubertus Logis Apartments
Family Strobl
A - 6364 Brixen im Thale

Brixen im Thale / Tirol / Austria

Contact Hotel:
Transag GmbH, Ahornweg 4, 6364 Brixen im Thale
Tel: +43 5334 8187
UID Number/ Commercial Register Entry:
ATU32069800 / FN 41290x / LG Innsbruck

Contact Apartments:
Strobl KG, Brixenbach 1, 6364 Brixen im Thale
Tel: +43 5334 8342
UID Number/ Commercial Register Entry:
ATU80134418 / FN 618001a / LG Innsbruck


All contents have been studied carefully. Regardless of this, no guarantee for correctness, completeness and actuality of the information can be given.

All texts, charts and pictures are protected under the Copyright Act. Any use of the material is only permissible if it is explicitly approved of by the Hotel Hubertus. Imagery was provided by Interalp Touristik,, Hotel Hubertus, Tourismusverband Kitzbüheler Alpen, Martin Lugger, Kurt Tropper, Markus Mitterer, Johannes Felsch and Albin Niederstrasser available.

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The pictures being used to compose this homepage have been made available by Tourist Offices Kitzbüheler Alpen and the partners of the Hotel Hubertus. Thank you very much!

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The Hotel Hubertus assures you that your personal data are being treated confidentially according to the prevailing data protection guidelines. After inquiry you get further details about the data stored at the Hotel Hubertus and if necessary you can correct, delete or stop the data. If you object to the processing of your data in the end you can oppose to it free of charge.

The Hotel Hubertus neither has the intention nor the obligation to revise or to actualize these statements, whether as a result of new recognition, future happenings or other factors of influence.